Pet Acceptance Policy

Pet Acceptance Policy for Rentals in Fort Collins, Loveland, & Greeley

The pet fees will vary at the discretion of the owner of the property.

All pets must be disclosed upon submission of application and your pet profile completed here. If pets living in a unit are not stated on the lease, the tenant is in violation of the terms of their lease agreement. Any damage caused by pets will be charged against the tenants. Most properties require a refundable pet deposit, plus monthly pet rent.

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Please note: Akitas, Alaskan malamutes, American bulldogs, chows, Doberman Pinschers, German shepherds, Great Danes, huskies, Pitbulls, Rottweilers, St. Bernards, wolf hybrids, and other aggressive breeds are NOT allowed on any Henderson Management Rental Properties.

Resources for Pets in Properties

We’ve created resources for both property owners and tenants in regards to living with pets and they can accommodate them within the property. Check them out and learn about how you can upgrade your property to better suit our furry friends, and train them so they don’t constantly make a mess in your living space.


Are you curious about an available listing? Contact us today if you would like to schedule a visit to the property (or if you have any general questions about renting with Henderson).

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